Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I am always glad that strawberries are in seasons around Valentine's Day. Strawberries are perfect for chocolate dipped strawberries or any dessert on Valentine's Day since they are brightly red!

So with all the excess boxes of fresh strawberries I have, I decided to make cupcakes with them. First thing I wanted to include into this cupcake is chocolate! So I am going to make a strawberry cupcake with whipped cream filling and white chocolate frosting.

I garnished it with a strawberry. Then I decided to smother some melted white chocolate onto the strawberry to make it even chocolatier. I should have dip the strawberry first. Next time!

Sorry for the image of the short cupcake. I chose the most imperfect one out of the batch to cut open so I can share the prettier ones with my little cousins. Haha. The strawberry whipped cream just ooozes out...delicious!

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